Increasing customer experience: the case for self-service banking



What do we mean by self-service banking?

Customers want to be more in control of when and how they bank. They want to transact on their own terms and get it done quickly.

After being swept up in a digital wave fed by the pandemic, customers now have an expectation of being able to do everything with a series of clicks. Whether it’s shopping, working or banking, they want the freedom to decide when and how; whether to attend a specific location in person, or stay home on their device of choice.

The upshot of this change in consumer behavior is that digital and mobile banking are surging ahead.

So, what is the case for self-service banking, and why should it become part of your strategy?

Read our article to find out:

- How the closure of bank branches across the UK and Europe is affecting how consumers are banking

- The benefits of allowing your customers to self-serve and how data can be utilised for increase personalisation

- The importance of getting the journey right for your customers and staff